Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Issue 2

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Varsity Football: History in the Making

The Varsity Football is making history each weekend. First it was winning the Patriot Districts, then Regions, and now Regional Finals against Yorktown. Each step of the way, the Washington Post and Fairfax Underground has offered up their opinion on the teams offense and defense.

This Saturday, the team will be playing against Hanover High School in the State Semi's game for their chance to battle for the state title. Come out to our home stadium at 4 p.m. to cheer on your Stallions. Join the Hype Squad in whichever color-out they choose to lead.

(Above) Three Stallions sprint down the field during the Yorktown, Region Finals game. The team won in a 37-13 victory over the Bulldogs. (Below) The two opposing teams battle, but South County keeps a hold of the ball.

Photos taken by Alan Morris

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Lying Games Lives Up to Expectation

Issue two of the Courier is almost here! Until it comes out, enjoy this review written by Journalism 1 students, Meagan Ferguson and Chelsea Bendelow: 

From the writers of Pretty Little Liars comes an ABC Family original series, The Lying Games which can be seen at 8 p.m. on Mondays on ABC Family. This new series starring Alexandra Chando as Emma Paxton and Sutton Mercer, Blair Redford as Ethan Whitehouse, Andy Buckely as Ted Mercer, and Helen Slater as Kristin Mercer, creates a whirlwind of mystery and drama. 
Series character, Emma Paxton was abandoned by her mother at an early age and thrown into Nevada foster care. Emma’s life was nothing extraordinary and the last thing she was expecting was to find a twin sister, Sutton. Emma ends up taking over Sutton’s life so that Sutton could find their biological mother. Emma has to pull off living a fabulous life with Sutton’s rich parents: something she isn’t used to. Little do both the girl’s know that there is more to the story of their adoption then they thought.  
Both Emma and Sutton find larger obstacles than originally suspected; Sutton takes longer on her search for the twins birth mother, uncovering dark secrets and leaving Emma stranded in the lifestyles of the rich and the famous. Now Emma has to pull off being Sutton for even longer.  As time passes everything gets more complicated, Emma has to deal with the mess Sutton has made with her family, friends, enemies, and even her secret boyfriend, Ethan. Even Sutton begins to miss her life. A lot of the shows most emotional and best scenes deal with the love triangle between Sutton, Ethan, and Emma. The romance offsets the lying and deception that otherwise takes a starring role in this show. 
The Lying Game is a very intriguing, intense, and jaw-dropping show! This show maintains a good balance between being mysterious and surprising, but also not being stupid. With a lot of shows, writers try to be more clever than they really are and thus result in a stupid and an expected plot, this show hasn’t done that yet.  However, The Lying Game is very caught up in the teenage world, and can get a bit stereotypical at times. Some of the characters act exactly the way you would think they would act, and tend to lack substance in some parts of the show. Normally, the writers won’t go overboard on it and as soon as a character starts to become predictable in their acts the writers will change the character. The Lying Game is the type of show that you don’t want to stop watching. With all of the drama that goes on in each episode, we sit impatiently waiting for the next episode to come on!
We highly recommend The Lying Game, this show is sure to appeal to viewers who are fans of the Pretty Little Liars series. It is guaranteed to leave you wanting more by the end of each episode!

Football Team Advances

In a season for the history books, the football team has not only won their first Patriot District Championships, but has also beat No. 7 seed, Stonebridge. Last night, the stallions played an incredible game, pulling out a 25-3 victory; the hypesqaud, as well, was there to keep the spirit alive.

Click here to read what the Washington Post has to say about our team!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hunger Games Doesn't Impress All

By Darrien Even
J1 Staff Writer

The Hunger Games is the first in a trilogy of books written by Suzanne Collins. It was released Sept. 14, 2009. It takes place in a post apocalyptic America dubbed Panem. In this future the country is split up into 13 districts all ruled of by the Capitol. The Capitol rules over the districts with an iron fist. Every year they take two kids from each district to fight to the death in The Hunger Games. Protagonist Katniss Everdeen is entered in the games to protect her sister Prim.
While this is an interesting idea, it’s presented poorly. It can be exciting at times, but also tiresome and predictable. Katniss Everdeen is a very melodramatic protagonist. It seems like she’s never happy. I understand this future is dark, but even when she is happy it’s a very mellow “not really all that happy” happy. She also has a nasty, sarcastic attitude sometimes. Melodramatic is the word I think of when I think of this book. Nearly every single chapter ends off with a cliffhanger, which gets very annoying.
The first half of the book consists of buildup and exposition. It is slow and way too long. It could be skimmed of the “drama” and unnecessary details to be three fourths as long. There are plenty of unnecessary details that didn’t need to be told. I think it should’ve been edited better, as plenty of details are shown but never matter. 
In the second half the “games” start and the book picks up. It shows Katniss and the rest of the participants fighting to the death in a huge arena. This part of the book can be exciting but, I could predict some of the details. And this part of the book is filled with annoying melodrama. It seems that every other minute the book stops to expose how “dramatic” it is, but it is done way too much, this fraction of the book can be very slow at times because of this.
The Hunger Games feels like a wasted idea. The setting and basic plot could make for a great story.  Constant melodrama, slowness and predictability keep it from being one. There are two sequels, Catching Fire and Mockingjay, but they get worse and worse. I can’t say it’s an awful book, it’s mediocre. Don’t even bother with the sequels.

This is another in a series of Journalism 1 student review stories. Look for more in the coming weeks.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

DECA Students Shines

Story from DECA Advisor and Marketing Teacher, Mrs. Kellen Scott:

Please join the DECA Advisors as we congratulate our DECA District Winners! We had 17 competitors compete in the individual series events on Monday at the DECA District Leadership Conference held at Lake Braddock during the teacher work day. The following students were recognized for individual test score, role-play 1, and role play 2:
Test Score:
  • Dylan Morgan – Sports & Entertainment Marketing, 1st Place
  • Hillary Lebedun – Food Marketing Series, 2nd Place
Role Play 1:
  • Maurice Foster – Business Services Marketing, 2nd Place
  • Dylan Morgan – Sports & Entertainment Marketing, 2nd Place
  • Steven Dellibove – Marketing Management Series, 3rd Place
  • Leah Spinelli – Principles of Hospitality, 3rd Place
Role Play 2:
  • Hillary Lebedun – Food Marketing Series, 1st Place
  • Sammy Magume – Human Resources Management, 1st Place
  • Steven Dellibove – Marketing Management Series, 3rd Place
And finally, the following students were Overall Winners in their categories and have earned a bid to represent South County DECA in the individual series events at States held in Norfolk, VA in March:
Overall Winners:
  • Hillary Lebedun – Food Marketing Series, 1st Place
  • Sammy Magume – Human Resources Management, 1st Place
  • Steven Dellibove – Marketing Management Series, 2nd Place
  • Dylan Morgan – Sports & Entertainment Marketing, 3rd Place
Once again, please join Dianne Mace, Pearl Springfield, Samantha Donnelly, and myself in applauding our students on their outstanding performance and for representing South County as professional competitors!

Art Teachers Win Recognition

Starting last night, FCPS began their 4th annual Artist Teacher Exhibition. This event showcases just a few of the more than 350 art teachers that are employed by the county. FCPS prides itself on not only hiring great teachers for the art programs, but as well great artists; this exhibition is designed to show their personal art not the students. 

Until December 3rd, there will be 46 pieces of artwork on display by 30 different artists. They can be viewed at the Ernst Cultural Center at Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale Campus. South County is proud to say that Justyne Fisher, Ellen Sanders, and Scott Saylor are among the artists who have been chosen to have their work shown at this prestigious exhibition. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Field Hockey State Semi Final Game Score

Final Score:

First Colonial 1
South County 0

Thank you for a great season, Field Hockey athletes!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wheels for Africa to Make Collection at South County

In 2005, 11 year old Winston Duncan traveled to Africa and after seeing the condition there decided he needed to help. He created a nonprofit organization called Wheels to Africa that collects and donates bikes to Africa. These bikes are used to provide quicker transportation to those living in Africa so they can reach school, food, water, and medical care.
This Saturday, November 12th, South County will be collecting bikes for Wheels to Africa from 10 AM to 3 PM. SCSS students who are part of the National Honor Society will receive three hours for every bike they donate and students who are part of Key Club will earn one service event credit.
Help us reach our goal of 200 bikes!! “One Bike Can Make a Difference”

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Local Italian Spot Charms

By Jessica Miller
J1 Staff Writer

If you’re looking for authentic Italian food with a relaxed feel, San Vito offers the best of both worlds. This once family-owned, hole-in-the-wall place offers bigger portions and better deals than Olive Garden could ever dream of offering its customers.  With one location in Burke, near Lake Braddock Secondary School (8944 Burke Lake Road, Springfield, VA, 22151), and one in Centerville (5653 Stone Road, Centerville, VA, 20120) it doesn’t have as much traffic as most places, but its generous portions, friendly staff, and a dessert tray to surpass any chocoholic’s expectations, along with a few that fit the chocolate hater’s creed make up for it.
Their menu features some simple Italian classics, such as Fettuccini Alfredo and Spaghetti with one GIANT meatball.  Other dishes offered are special to this restaurant, like the Ravioli Formaggio, a three-cheese ravioli sautéed with their signature aurora sauce. Another dish that is unique to San Vito is Spaghetti Soprano, with marinara sauce, sautéed garlic, and their signature meatball. If you’re looking for a more vegetarian-style pasta, then the Lasagna Verde is perfect. It’s served with fresh spinach, béchamel, ricotta cheese and melted mozzarella.

They also serve pizza, meat, and seafood for you carnivores out there.  The San Vito classic pizza, served with mozzarella, mushrooms, salami, olives and basil gives you an equal portion of meat and veggies in every bite.  You can also get extras for less than $2.00, such as zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, onions, and pineapple for $0.75, pepperoni, ham, sausage, and salami for $1.00, chicken, bacon, and meatballs for $1.50 and anchovies for $2. Their meat, chicken, and veal are prepared to its best extent. If you’re looking for some seafood, then the Scampi Siciliana is just right. It comes with fresh jumbo prawns, sautéed with a spicy white-wine marinara sauce. The Pollo Michelangelo (or chicken, for you not Spanish speakers), is amazing.  It’s stuffed with artichokes, fontina cheese and shrimp, then fried and served with cappelini and a sherry cream sauce.

 Every time I walk through the door, I enjoy knowing that I don’t have to wait 30 minutes just to get a table.  The waiters and waitresses are very good about only appearing when you need them, and not being there when you don’t. After they bring the drinks, they give you some bread and some olive oil to eat while you look over the menu.  In very little time, after you order, they bring out your food, steaming hot, in huge bowls (or plates, depending on what you order). They always have take-home boxes on hand for you to use, just in case. If you have any room left, they’ll bring around the dessert tray; so many yummy treats to choose from, with or without chocolate. The prices are just as good as the food itself, with prices not going over $20 for regular meals (wine is different, but most of us are underage anyways).  Overall, I believe that San Vito replaces Olive Garden as the king of Italian restaurants.

All in all, San Vito has great food, great service, and is a great place to bring friends. I think that you should try it, not because I say you should, but because you won’t really know how great it is until you test it for yourself. San Vito is one of those few places left that actually cares about the quality of their food, not just getting people food with fatty by-products like most fast-food restaurants. A place like that only lasts for a short amount of time, so enjoy it while it lasts.  

Visit their website at http://www.sanvitorestaurant.com/.

Field Hockey Advances to State Tournament

Congratulations to Coach Leah Conte and the varsity field hockey team for winning the Northern Region Championship on Nov. 2. South County beat Westfield 4-1 in the game and were named regional champions. 

The Virginia State Tournament begins next week.