Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Poetry Slam Prose Prevails

The annual South County Poetry Slam was held the evening of Tues., March 20. Students performed original poems in front of a live audience. Winners were: 1st – Maggie Dickinson, 2nd – Kristy Parman, 3rd – Anthony Alvarado.

Changes in Traffic Patterns Around South County's Perimeter Occur

When South County Secondary School opened in 2005, much of Laurel Crest Drive was considered a private road.  This designation meant that the Fairfax County police were unable to enforce many of the Virginia State Code traffic violations that have become routine since the opening of the school.  For example, stopping on a highway, discharging passengers while stopped on a highway, making improper lane changes, and, making a u-turn across a double yellow line are all illegal.  Yet, all of these happen in the morning when some parents drop-off students in the deceleration/turn lane to the bus lot, or make a u-turn at the end of the median after exiting the Kiss & Ride.  Despite numerous reminders to the community in the past, parents have continued these illegal practices.  Now, the Commonwealth Attorney’s Office has given the Police Department authority to enforce all Virginia State Code traffic violations on Laurel Crest Drive.

What does this mean for parents who choose to drive a child to school?First, parents should adjust the time leave home to ensure that their student(s) will not be late.  Late arrivals due to traffic are unexcused (a student on a late-arriving school bus will be excused).  Keep in mind that there will be road construction associated with the new middle school.  Second, use one of the two designated drop-off locations (the Kiss & Ride at Entrance 11, accessible from Laurel Crest Dr, and the Silverbrook Road Morning Drop-off by the learning cottages).   Honor the sign and turn right when exiting the Kiss & Ride, as there have been several serious accidents involving people making a left turn out of the Kiss & Ride.  To return to Silverbrook Road from the Kiss & Ride you must use a) the traffic circle as a turnaround, or b) continue to a right turn on Hooes Road to return to Silverbrook Road.  Finally, adult drivers can use an alternative location off school grounds as a drop-off point.  For example, use Laurel Crest Elementary School as a drop-off with your child using the crosswalk at the intersection (the crossing time has been extended to allow ample time for crossing Silverbrook Road).

What does this mean for student drivers? 
Students need to account for the proper amount of time to get to school before the warning bell.  They should leave home five to ten minutes earlier than they currently do.  Students may also use the entrance from Silverbrook Road to access the student parking area rather than waiting in the traffic on Laurel Crest Drive. Keep in mind that parking on school grounds is a privilege and that being late may result in loss of a student parking pass.

If parents or students have any questions, they may contact Safety & Security Specialist RC Gamble through the main switchboard.
~Information provided by the Administrative team