Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Issue 3, Food Fight Story Clarification

In regard to the ‘Food Fights Become Common Place’ article from page 2 of the December issue of The Courier, the newspaper wishes to clarify that there have been two incidents of food fights that have occurred in the cafeteria this year. One occurred on November 17 and four students were held accountable for the incident.  The other incident occurred on November 21 and no students were identified in the incident.  No other food fights have occurred in the cafeteria this school year. Students who participate in food fights receive a five day out of school suspension according the Unified Disciplinary Plan outlined in the South County Student Planner and Handbook. Throwing of food is a separate offense and can have a consequence ranging from cleaning of the cafeteria to an out of school suspension.  There have been cases where individual students have been held accountable for throwing food but the incidents have not caused a major disruption to the lunch periods. Administrators, teachers and staff have been diligent in their monitoring of the cafeteria this year.