Friday, September 2, 2011

7th Grade Locker Night

Last night, September 1st, from 5-7 pm, young and anxious students new to the "big" school environment, attended South County's locker night, along with their parents and packed backpacks. This locker night was supposed to be a night when the youngest students in the school could have a jumpstart on the first day antics, especially since they aren't allowed backpacks in their classes.

(Above) A mother questions a locker location.  (Below) Students and parents wait patiently in line to drop off signed forms to receive their locker number and combination. Locker pods, for middle school, are separated by gender. 

Excited new seventh graders pause to have their pictures taken in the midst of Locker Night.

Chloe (above, left) stands by her newly furnished locker, ready for the first day of school; it's complete with a Shaun White newspaper clipping in the back. Katie T. (above, right) stands, holding supplies, as she prepares her locker with all the essentials. 

Mothers give their children a chance to venture by themselves and take a break to sit and chat.