Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Library Assesses and Changes Policy for Student Athletes

This letter to the newspaper staff was received on Mon., Sept. 26 in response to a student editorial published on this blog on Sun., Sept. 18 ( Original Editorial )

Dear Nicole,
I appreciate your thoughtful blog in the Digital Courier and the opportunity to address your concerns about student athletes using the library after school.  Our current policy requiring athletes to use athletic study halls dates back to the time when South County was on a dual bell schedule and the middle school was still in session when the high school classes were released.  The library could not be open to the large numbers of high school students who wanted to stay after school because the middle school instructional day was still in session. The athletic study halls were established at that time so athletes would have a place to stay after school to study and do homework until practice started.
However, times have changed and your blog post made us realize that it was time for us to reconsider a policy that is no longer relevant. Several of your coaches do not work at South County and cannot be here to provide a team study hall. You also lack computers in the rooms where the study halls are held, creating a disadvantage to those who need to conduct online research or type assignments.  And, more importantly, South County has been on a single bell schedule for three years now and there is no longer any reason to limit access to the library after school.
Therefore, after consulting with our Athletic Director, Mr. Pflugrath, we are changing our policy. Our doors will be open to any South County student who wants to use the library after school for quiet independent study.  Our goal is, as it has always been, to offer a welcoming, supportive environment where we can provide the resources and support every student needs to be successful academically. 
It is ironic that a policy that was originally intended to insure that our athletes had a place to study before practice had the unintended consequence of denying them access to possibly the best place to study!  We appreciate that you took the time and initiative to point this out to us.
Mrs. Cordek
Head Librarian