Friday, September 2, 2011

Stallion Stampede

This past Wednesday, September 30th, South County held it's annual "Stallion Stampede" from 5-7 pm. Here, students and parents picked up back-to-schools packets containing their schedules, info sheets, newsletters, and various forms which had to be filled out in order for students to recieve their lockers on the first day of school.

(Above) Leadership students stand with behind merchandise to be sold during the Stampede. This included, but was not limited to, hoodies, class shirts, sweats, and gym uniforms. (Below) A traffic jam of bodies. Hallways became packed where ever there were lines to pick up schedules. 

(Above) Orchestra giving a sampler. (Below) The class of 2015 proudly displays their shirts for purchase during the Stampede.  

(Below) Chorus sings the National Anthem during the Pep Rally held at the end of Stallion Stampede. Students packed the stands, Leadership organized the events, and the cheerleaders helped rally the spirit.